| Success story

Synendos Therapeutics

Developing breakthrough therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders

Synendos is a spin-off from the university of Bern that exploits novel insights into the biology of the endocannabinoid system to restore the natural functioning of the brain for the development of safe and effective therapies in anxiety, mood and stress-related disorders. The scientific basis stems from 10 years of solid research on endocannabinoid biology and pharmacology carried out at the university of Bern by Professor Jürg Gertsch and Dr Andrea Chicca.

Synendos was founded in April 2019 by Andrea Chicca, Synendos` CEO and CSO, Jürg Gertsch, head of the scientific advisory board and Simon Russell, member of the board and an experienced biopharma executive. In November 2020, the company raised a USD 21 Mio series A co-led by Kurma Partners and Sunstone Life Science Ventures. In April 2021, series A was extended to USD 25 with the addition of Ysios Capital to the syndicate.

Working with BaseLaunch was instrumental for us to get to where we are now. They provided introductions to people that have become key team members of Synendos. The funding really helped us to advance our molecules to the point at which significant investment was feasible . I am deeply impressed by their entrepreneur minded approach and bold thinking to create exciting, innovative companies. BaseLaunch remains a key enabling partner in almost every aspect.

Dr. Andrea ChiccaCo-founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientific Officer

Application cycle is now open!

The next deadline is 8 May 2025