From our partner, KPGM: The rules of engagement in the global pharmaceutical industry are changing rapidly with disruption in this industry already well underway.
Two seismic shifts are starting to take effect. First, a re-balancing of power across the healthcare value chain is forcing a downward pressure on pricing and second, a swing from treatment to prevention is attracting a host of new entrants, including tech startups as well as players from other sectors.
Pharma companies of today must be able to adapt to these shifts, fundamentally re-imagining their businesses, operating models and capabilities to remain relevant and competitive.In this paper, we share four critical capabilities for global pharma – applicable for any business model – that we see as fundamental to operating in the new world. Embracing an outside-in approach, we look at how other sectors have adapted to similar disruption, and call People Leaders to harness workforce shaping as an innovative means of accessing these critical capabilities.
Download the full report here: KPMG Reshaping_the_Future_of_Pharma